tbp93 – Impromptu n. 7 in B minor (2009)

This one stems from the same starting idea (dated 7 August 2006) to be used later in prelude tbp85_24. In fact I started working on it AS that prelude but it quickly evolved into something else of larger proportions. I decided to make it / call it an impromptu since it was finished so quickly and its evolution (from the original idea) was totally unprepared / unexpected ^^;

The last piece called impromptu was tbp75, “Rondeau-Impromptu”, which counted as “Impromptu n. 6”, making this one the n. 7. Just as tbp75 was rondeau-like this is variation-like (without pauses between variations) but I refrained from calling it “Variations-Impromptu”; instead, I got the idea of renaming back tbp75 to just “Impromptu”.

Technically speaking it was quite easy to compose; the virtuoso final part makes it off-limits for beginners but I at least tried to go easy on the virtuoso figurations.



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